What is a hearing loop ?
A hearing loop (sometimes called an audio induction loop) is a special type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids. The hearing loop provides a magnetic, wireless signal that is picked up by the hearing aid when it is set to ‘T’ (Telecoil) setting. The hearing loop consists of a microphone to pick up the spoken word or a input from an inhouse PA system connected to a special loop amplifier which processes the signal which is then sent through the final piece; the loop cable, providing coverage of a specific area. The loop itself is specially design to provide compliant magnetic signals and can Philtronics design, supply and install loops systems that can meet the required Building Code of Australia (BCA) – 2012 – Section D3.7 & Australian Standard 1428.5 – 2010 Section 3 and 4, Appendix A, B &C |
Undercarpet installation of loop systems
Counter top loop systems for customer service areas
special loop design with cancellation loop to eliminate unwanted audio spill from the magnetic loop signal. This special design help prevent unwanted audio loop signal feeding to other areas not required.
Loops can also be installed overhead to provide meeting rooms T coil equipment hearing aid wearers with audio
Portable loop system for meeting rooms and counter tops
Philtronics use computer design modelling software to design a suitable and compliant loop system for your venue, space or meeting room. The advanced software allows us to design complex loops to provide even coverage of sound to users, reduce spillage of magnetic fields to other spaces through complex calculations. All our loops are tested to conform when installed and compliance paperwork provided upon completion.